Goelia residences vacances

Spring Holidays

Take advantage of the spring holidays to go with friends or family to one of our residences in the mountains, in the countryside or by the sea!


Spring Holidays by the sea

Take advantage of beautiful days to offer you a stay on the French shores : Mediterranean Sea, Corsica, the Atlantic Ocean, Normandy, Brittany... It's up to you !

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Spring Holidays in Mountain

Snow and sun : perfect conditions for a stay in the Mountain during Spring ! Enjoy our last opened residences !

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Spring holidays in Normandy

Next step : Normandy countryside or coast for your spring holidays. Choose one of our residences with pool (except Deauville, but 200m away from the beach)

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Spring holidays in Vendée/Charente

The beautiful beaches of Vendée and Charente for your next spring holidays. Stay in apartments or houses in one of our residence with a swimming pool.

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Spring Holidays


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