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To discover also : Cancellation insurance
126 rue de la Piazza – CS20010 – 93196 NOISY LE GRAND Cédex – FRANCE
By phone from France: +33.1 55 90 47 52
By phone from abroad: 33.1.
preceded with the local dialling code to reach the international network
By fax:
By email:
To enable to take optimum action, please make sure the following information is available; you will be
asked for it during your call:
• Contract Number: 7496
• Your surname and first name
• Your home address
• The country, city or location where you are when you make the call
• Give the precise address (no., street, hotel, if applicable, etc.)
• The telephone number where we can reach you
• The nature of your problem
To declare your insurance claims:
Cancellation, Cancellation “special snow”, Personal ski equipment breakage or
theft, Ski lift pass loss or theft, Curtailed Trip, Curtailed activities,
Curtailed snow activities
– Complete the field “number of your travel file” with the file number in your registration invoice.
– Complete the field “name of main traveller” with your surnames and first names.
– Complete the accident declaration form which will enable you, in a few clicks, to receive an
email giving your file number and all the documents which must be supplied.
Through this site you will be able to send us your documentation and monitor the state
of progress of your application in real time.
You need information about your contract?
Please reach PRESENCE ASSISTANCE by email at [email protected] or +33.1 55 90 47 09
We will answer from Monday to Friday From 9:30 AM to 5 PM
For any claim during your stay:
Mutuaide Assistance available 24/7: 33.1. (preceded by the local international access code)
E-mail: [email protected]
Specify the precise reason for your claim and indicate your contract number: n° 7496
We, the Insurer
MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE, 126 rue de la Piazza – CS20010 – 93196 Noisy le Grand cédex FRANCE. Joint-stock
company with capital of €12,558,240; Company governed by the Insurance Code – RCS 383 974 086 Bobigny; VAT
FR 31 383 974 086.
Bodily accident
Immediate impairment of health deriving from sudden action of an unintentional external cause suffered by the
victim and recorded by a competent medical authority.
Serious bodily accident
Immediate impairment of health deriving from sudden action of an unintentional external cause suffered by the
victim and recorded by a competent medical authority leading to the issue of a prescription for medicines for the
sick person, and implying cessation of all professional and other activities.
All acts of violence, constituting a criminal or illegal attack made against persons and/or property in the country
in which you are staying, intended to cause serious public disorder through intimidation and terror, and subject
to media coverage.
This “attack” must be identified by the French Foreign Ministry or the French Home Office.
If several attacks take place on the same day in the same country and if the authorities consider these to
constitute a single coordinated action, this event shall be considered to be a single event.
Natural person or group duly insured under the present contract and referred to, hereinafter, by the term “you”.
These persons can be domiciled anywhere in the world.
Natural catastrophe
Abnormal intensity of a natural agent not caused by human intervention. A phenomenon, such as an earthquake,
a volcanic eruption, a tidal wave, a flood or natural cataclysm, caused by the abnormal intensity of a natural
agent, and recognised as such by the public authorities.
Definition of personal assistance
Personal assistance includes all services implemented in the event of sickness, injury or death of the covered
persons, during a covered journey.
Covered journey
A trip for which you have been insured, and have paid the corresponding premium, with a maximum trip of 90
The Insured’s main, habitual place of residence is considered to be their domicile. Cover is operative for Insureds
domiciled throughout the whole world. In event of a dispute the tax domicile constitutes the domicile
The term “DROM” refers to the Overseas Departments and Regions, i.e. Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guyana,
La Réunion and Mayotte.
Duration of cover
• “Cancellation” cover takes effect on the date you sign your insurance contract, and expires on the date of your
departure on your journey.
• The term of validity of the other forms of cover, matches the trip dates shown on the invoice issued by the
travel organiser, with a maximum period of 90 consecutive days.
Incidence of illnesses abnormally high during a particular period and in a particular area
Events providing cover in the form of assistance
Sickness, injury or death during a covered journey.
Events providing insurance cover
– Cancellation
– Cancellation “special snow”
– Personal ski equipment breakage or theft
– Ski lift pass loss or theft
– Curtailed trip
– Curtailed activities
– Curtailed snow activities
Mainland France and Corsica.
Share of casualty which must be paid by the Insured stipulated by the contract if compensation is paid after a
casualty. The deductible can be expressed as a sum of money, a percentage, or in days, hours or kilometres.
Sudden and unforeseeable deterioration of health recorded by a competent medical authority.
Serious illness
Sudden and unforeseeable deterioration of health recorded by a competent medical authority leading to the
issue of a prescription for medicines for the sick person, and implying cessation of all professional and other
Maximum per event
If the cover is for several insureds who are victims of the same event, and insured with the same special terms,
the insurer’s cover is in any event limited to the maximum sum stipulated for this cover, regardless of the number
of victims. The compensation is consequently reduced and paid in proportion to the number of victims.
Family members
Your legal or de facto spouse or any person bound to you by a civil solidarity pact, your ascendants or descendants
or those of your spouse, your fathers-in-law, mothers-in-law, brothers, sisters, including children of the spouse
or cohabitee partner of one of your direct ascendants, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, sons-in-law, daughters-inlaw, or those of your spouse. They must be domiciled in the same country as you, unless otherwise contractually
We organise
We do what is required to give you access to the service.
We cover
We finance the service.
All fraud, forgeries or false declarations or false testimonies which may activate the cover stipulated in the
agreement invalidate our undertakings and the rights provided in the said agreement.
Epidemics developed in a vast area, beyond the borders and qualified as pandemics by World Health Organisation
(WHO) and/or by the local sanitary authorities where the claim took place.
Isolation in which people are placed in the case of suspected or confirmed illness, decided by a local sanitary
authority, to prevent the spread of the disease in an epidemic or pandemic context.
Event of a random nature which triggers the cover of the present contract.
Territorial coverage
Whole world.
To be valid the present contract must without fail be signed simultaneously with the purchase of the journey.
As an exception, the present contract may be purchased within 7 days of the purchase of the journey, but in
this case the 10-day claims waiting period shall be applied from the purchase date.
However, if the journey cancellation is due to a modification or abolition of paid leave by the employer, or to
the theft of identity documents, the casualty will be covered only if the purchase is SIMULTANEOUS with
purchase of the journey.
1 / Cancellation
You are covered for the reasons and circumstances listed hereinafter, excluding all others, subject to the limit of
cover and the deductible stated in the Table of Cover.
• Serious illness (including epidemic or pandemic illness declared during the month before departure), Serious
bodily accident or death, including the consequences, sequels, complications or aggravation of a sickness or
accident, recorded before the purchase of your journey, of:
– yourself, or your legal or de facto spouse,
– your ascendants or descendants to the 2nd degree,
– your brothers, sisters, including the children of the spouse or cohabitee partner of one of your direct
ascendants, your parents-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law.
• Pregnancy complications of the insured up to the 28th week.
– which lead to absolute cessation of all professional or other activity, provided that at the time of
departure you are not more than 6 months pregnant or,
• State of pregnancy of the insured
– if the intrinsic nature of the journey is incompatible with a state of pregnancy, provided that you are not
aware of your condition when you signed the Contract.
• Denied boarding following the taking of temperature at the airport (day of the departure), or positive
PCR/RADT test before departure.
– A document issued by the airline or the sanitary authorities who denied the boarding will be required
to get the refund.
• Lack of vaccination against COVID-19
– If when you subscribe the contract, the country of destination did not impose a vaccine against COVID19, and when he imposes it, you do not have enough time to get your vaccine before departure to be
allowed to travel.
– Contraindication to immunization, consequences of vaccination, or medical impossibility to take
preventative treatment mandatory to enter the destination country.
It is your responsibility to establish the reality of the situation giving entitlement to our services; we therefore
reserve the right to refuse your request, on the opinion of our doctors, if the information supplied does not
prove the materiality of the facts.
You are also covered, up to the limit stated in the Table of Cover, against all other random events, of any kind
whatsoever, constituting an immediate, real and serious obstacle, preventing your departure and/or exercise
of the activities planned during your trip. The term “random event” is understood to mean all sudden,
unforeseeable circumstances independent of the insured will justifying cancellation of the journey. There must
be a direct causal link between the random event and the impossibility of leaving.
However, cover is operative, for the following causes, only under the conditions described precisely below:
• Serious illness, Serious bodily accident or death, including the consequences, sequels, complications or
aggravation of a sickness or accident, recorded before the purchase of your journey, of:
– your ascendants or descendants beyond the 2nd degree, your tutor or any other person living habitually
under your roof,
– your uncles, aunts, nephews and nieces.
– your designated professional replacement chosen at the moment of purchase,
– the person designated when signing the present contract as having responsibility, during your trip, for
keeping or accompanying on holiday your minor children, or the disabled person living under your roof,
provided there is more than 48 hours’ hospitalisation, or death,
• Serious material damage requiring absolutely your presence on the date of the planned departure in order for
you to take the necessary protective measures, following a fire, water damage or natural elements, and affecting
more than 50% of your private or professional premises.
• Theft from private or professional premises, absolutely requiring your presence on the date of departure,
provided it has occurred within the 48 hours preceding the departure for the journey.
• Your medical appointment notice for an organ transplant, on a date before or during the planned journey,
provided the appointment notice was not known when the Contract was signed.
• A vaccination contraindication, or contraindication relating to the effects of vaccination, or medical
-mpossibility of following a necessary preventive treatment for the destination chosen for your journey.
• Serious damage to your vehicle occurring within 48 hours preceding departure, if it can no longer be used to
convey you to the location of your trip.
• An accident or breakdown of your means of transport occurring during transport to the departure point,
leading to a delay of more than two hours, makes you miss the flight reserved for your departure, provided you
have taken measures to arrive at the airport at least 2 hours before the final boarding time.
• Redundancy on economic grounds or redundancy of your spouse or de facto spouse, provided that the
procedure was not started on the date when you signed the present Contract and/or that you were not aware
of the date of the event when you signed the contract.
• Obtaining a paid employment or remunerated traineeship, taking effect before or during the dates scheduled
for your journey, when you were registered with the Job Centre, provided this is not a case of prolongation,
renewal or amendment of a type of contract, nor a mission provided by a temporary employment company.
• Convocation of an imperative, unforeseeable nature which cannot be postponed, issued by an authority,
on a date occurring during the planned journey, provided the convocation was not known when you
signed the Contract.
• Convocation, on a date occurring during your journey, to a university re-sit examination, provided that the
failure of the examination was not known when you signed the present Contract.
• Refusal of a tourist visa by the authorities of the country chosen for your journey, provided that you did not
file any application refused by these authorities during a previous journey, that your actions meant that they
could reach a decision prior to your journey, and provided that you have met the constraints demanded by the
administrative authorities of this country.
• Your professional transfer, not for disciplinary reasons, imposed by your employer, obliging you to move home
during the term of your insured journey, or within 8 days preceding your departure, provided that the transfer
was not known when you signed the Contract. This cover is granted to salaried employees, except for members
of a liberal profession, directors, legal company representatives, independent workers, self-employed trades
persons, and entertainment industry workers on short-term contracts.
• Cancellation or modification of the date of your paid leave by your employer. This cover is granted to salaried
employees, except for members of a liberal profession, directors, legal company representatives, independent
workers, self-employed trades persons, and entertainment industry workers on short-term contracts. The
employer must have given prior, written agreement to this leave, which is a vested right, before you signed the
• Your convocation to adopt a child within 15 days preceding your departure or during the period of your insured
trip, provided that the convocation was not known when you signed the Contract,
• Cancellation due to separation of a couple, whether married, bound under a civil solidarity pact or reputed
spouses. This cover is operative only on presentation of legal and administrative documents proving the real
nature of the separation or of cohabitation in the case of unmarried cohabitation (divorce procedure,
termination of the PACS [civil solidarity pact] contract, all documents proving the couple’s cohabitation,
electricity and gas utility bills, telecoms bills, joint bank accounts, joint declaration, etc.).
• Theft, within 48 hours preceding your departure, of your identity documents (passport, identity card)
essential to cross the borders which must be crossed during your journey, provided that a declaration of theft
has been made, as soon as the theft came to your attention, to the closest police authorities.
• Cancellation for a guaranteed reason of one or more persons registered at the same time as you (Maximum 9
persons for the entire application), insured under the present contract. If you wish to make the journey alone,
account is taken of the additional costs, although our reimbursement cannot exceed the sum due in the event of
cancellation on the date of the event.
• Costs for a change of name charged by the service-provider if, for a guaranteed event, you prefer to have
yourself replaced by another person rather than to cancel your trip. Our reimbursement cannot exceed the value
due in the event of cancellation on the date when the name is changed.
In all cases of journey cancellation, the compensation will be paid to you minus a specific deductible stated in
the table of cover sums and deductibles. This deductible also applies to persons registered at the same time as
you insured under the present Contract.
The compensation paid in application of the present Contract can under no circumstances exceed the price of
the journey declared when signing the present Contract and within the limits stipulated in the Table of Cover,
per insured person, and per event.
We shall reimburse to you the value of the cancellation costs invoiced according to the cancellation table listed
in the travel agency’s general terms.
Administrative costs invoiced by the travel organiser or travel agency after cancellation or modification of the
journey, costs of tips and visas, all taxes reimbursable to the travel agency or to the insured by the carrier or
all collection agencies, and the premium paid in consideration for signing the present contract, are not
Two stages
1/ At the first appearance of the illness, or as soon as you are aware of the event triggering the cover, you must
IMMEDIATELY inform your travel agency.
If you cancel the journey subsequently with your travel agency our reimbursement will be limited to the value
of the costs which you would have had to pay on the date of the casualty, in accordance with the table of
cancellation costs given in the Special Terms of the sales contract of the tour operator, travel agency or airline.
This clause implies that any difference between the cancellation costs calculated on the date of the casualty
used by our services and those calculated by the organiser of the journey, shown on your cancellation costs
invoice, will be payable by you.
2/ Secondly, you must declare the casualty to PRESENCE ASSISTANCE, within five working days of the event
causing the guarantee.
Your written casualty declaration must be accompanied:
– in the event of an illness or accident, by a medical certificate and/or an administrative hospitalisation
certificate stating the origin, nature, seriousness and foreseeable consequences of the illness or
– in event of death, by a certificate and by the personal details form,
– in other cases, by all documents proving the reason for your cancellation.
You must also send all information or documents which are asked from you to prove the reason for your
cancellation, and in particular:
– all photocopies of prescriptions prescribing medicines, analyses or examinations, together with all
documents proving that they have been delivered or performed, and in particular the medical expenses
reclaim forms including, in the case of prescribed medicines, copies of the corresponding stickers.
– the statements of the Social Security or of any other similar organisation, relative to the
reimbursement of the treatment costs and to the payment of the daily sickness benefit,
– the invoice of cancellation costs for the value used by the organiser of the journey or agency,
– the number of your insurance contract,
– the registration form issued by the travel agency,
– in the event of an accident, you must state its causes and circumstances, and give us the names and
addresses of the responsible parties and also, if applicable, of any witnesses,
– in the event of denied boarding: a document issued by the airline or sanitary authorities who denied
the boarding is required to get the refund
– the currently valid identity documents (recto/verso) of all insureds affected by the casualty
– and all other documents required to manage your claim.
In addition, it is expressly agreed that you accept in advance the principle of a check-up by our consulting doctor.
Consequently, if you oppose this without legitimate reason you will lose your entitlement to the guarantee.
The Cancellation cover does not cover circumstances where it is not possible to leave for reasons relating to
border closure, material organisation, or to the accommodation conditions or safety conditions of the
In addition to the exclusions common to all forms of cover, the following are also excluded:
♦ An event, a sickness or accident which has been observed for the first time, where a relapse has
occurred, which has aggravated or which has led to hospitalisation between the date on which the
trip was purchased and the date on which the insurance contract was signed,
♦ All circumstances which are detrimental merely in terms of amenity,
♦ Pregnancy, including complications, after the 28th week and in all cases abortion, delivery, in-vitro
fertilisation and consequences of these,
♦ Omission of vaccination,
♦ Failures of all kinds, including financial failure, of the carrier, making performance of its contractual
obligations impossible,
♦ Insufficient or deductible snow,
♦ All medical events the diagnosis, symptoms or causes of which are of a mental, psychological or
psychiatric nature, which have not led to hospitalisation for more than 3 consecutive days after the
present Contract is signed,
♦ Pollution, the local health situation, natural catastrophes in France and DROM covered by the
procedure referred to by law No. 82.600 of 13 July 1982 and their consequences, meteorological or
climatic events,
♦ The consequences of criminal proceedings in which you are concerned,
♦ All events occurring between the date of registration for the journey and the date on which the
insurance contract is signed.
♦ Absence of unforeseeable circumstances,
♦ Of an intentional deed and/or one sanctioned by law, consequences of alcoholic states and
consumption of drugs, of all narcotic substances mentioned in the Public Health Code, of medicines
and treatments not prescribed by a doctor,
♦ Merely due to the fact that the French Minister of Foreign Affairs recommends not travelling to the
geographical destination of the journey;
♦ Of an act of negligence by yourself;
♦ Of any event for which the travel agency could be held liable in application of the Tourism Code in
♦ Failure, for any reason whatsoever, to show documents essential for the trip, such as passport,
identity card, visa, transport tickets, vaccination record except in the event of theft of the passport or
identity card within 48 hours preceding departure.
You are covered for the reasons and circumstances listed hereinafter, excluding all others, subject to the limit of
cover and the deductible stated in the Table of Cover.
We refund the cancellation fees invoiced by the travel organiser according to his general Terms and Conditions
and within the limit stipulated in the Table of Benefits, when you have to cancel your trip within 48 hours before
the beginning of the rental, in case of lack or excess of snow.
You will have to provide a snow report published by an accredited organization authorized to issue such a report,
concerning the resort itself if it is a member, or if it is not the nearest resort as the crow flies.
The lack or excess of snow in the ski resort of the rental will be established if within 48 hours before arrival, more
than 2/3 of slopes of the ski domain are closed according to the snow report mentioned above.
CAUTION: the cover is only available from December 1st to April 30th next year.
If you are unable to access your resort due to bad weather conditions resulting in the closure by the competent
authorities of all road and rail routes for more than 5 hours, we will reimburse you, with proof, for the hotel
expenses incurred to relocate you while waiting to access your initial place of stay.
The refund is calculated in pro-rata basis of the price of your initial stay, up to a limit of 2 days’ rental, without
however exceeding the amount provided for in the Table of Benefits, in the event of cancellation due to” lack or
excess of snow”.
CAUTION: the cover is only available from December 1st to April 30th next year.
The compensation paid in application of the present Contract can under no circumstances exceed the price of
the journey declared when signing the present Contract and within the limits stipulated in the Table of Benefits,
per insured person, and per event.
We shall reimburse to you the value of the cancellation costs invoiced according to the cancellation fees scale
listed in the travel agency’s general terms.
Administrative costs invoiced by the travel organiser or travel agency after cancellation or modification of the
journey, costs of tips and visas, all taxes reimbursable to the travel agency or to the insured by the carrier or
all collection agencies, and the premium paid in consideration for signing the present contract, are not
Two stages
1/ At the first appearance of the illness, or as soon as you are aware of the event triggering the cover, you must
IMMEDIATELY inform your travel agency.
If you cancel the journey subsequently with your travel agency our reimbursement will be limited to the value
of the costs which you would have had to pay on the date of the casualty, in accordance with the cancellation
fees scales given in the Special Terms of the sales contract of the tour operator, travel agency or airline. This
clause implies that any difference between the cancellation costs calculated on the date of the casualty used
by our services and those calculated by the organiser of the journey, shown on your cancellation costs invoice,
will be payable by you.
2/ Secondly, you must declare the casualty to PRESENCE ASSISTANCE, within five working days of the event
causing the guarantee.
Your written casualty declaration must be accompanied:
– in the event of an illness or accident, by a medical certificate and/or an administrative hospitalisation
certificate stating the origin, nature, seriousness and foreseeable consequences of the illness or
– in event of death, by a certificate and by the personal details form,
– in other cases, by all documents proving the reason for your cancellation.
You must also send all information or documents which are asked from you to prove the reason for your
cancellation, and in particular:
– the invoice of cancellation costs for the value used by the organiser of the journey or agency,
– the number of your insurance contract,
– the registration form issued by the travel agency,
– and any other document required to manage your claim.
The Cancellation cover does not cover circumstances where it is not possible to leave for reasons relating to
border closure, material organisation, or to the accommodation conditions or safety conditions of the
In addition to the exclusions common to all forms of cover, the following are also excluded:
♦ Less than 5 hours closure of road or train access to the resort
♦ Failure, for any reason whatsoever, to provide documentation proving lack or excess of snow, or
closure of access to the resort.
♦ Any event between May 1st and November 30th every year.
♦ Cancellation due to any event other than the lack or excess of snow, or impossible access to the resort.
Personal ski equipment: ski, surf, mono-ski, snowshoes, ski poles and boots, purchased less than 5 years ago and
that you own.
Accidental breakage: any external damage or destruction and interfering with the proper functioning of the ski
equipment guaranteed, after a fall or a collision on the slopes.
We cover, up to the amount indicated in the Table of Benefits and after deduction of the corresponding
deductible, the reimbursement of the cost of renting equivalent replacement ski equipment from a professional
rental company, if your personal ski equipment has become unusable due to accidental breakage or theft.
In addition to the exclusions common to all forms of cover, we cannot intervene in the following
♦ Damage resulting from improper use of personal ski equipment or failure to comply with the regulations
in force,
♦ Damage resulting from normal wear and tear of personal ski equipment,
♦ Simple scratches, scuffs or any other material deterioration of the personal ski equipment that does not
alter its functioning,
♦ Loss or disappearance of personal ski equipment,
♦ Accidental damage due to the flow of liquids, fatty, colouring or corrosive materials,
♦ Damage caused by moths and/or rodents as well as by cigarette burns or by a non-incandescent heat
♦ Indirect damages such as depreciation and loss of use.
The amount indicated in the Table of Benefits is the maximum reimbursement for all claims occurring
during the period of coverage.
The claim declaration must reach PRESENCE ASSISTANCE TOURISME within 5 working days, except in the case of
fortuitous event or force majeure. If this deadline is not respected and we suffer a loss as a result, you will lose
all rights to compensation.
The claim must be accompanied by the following elements
– The receipt of a complaint filed with a competent local authority (police, gendarmerie …), in case of
– The certificate of breakage of your personal ski equipment issued by the rental company, and confirming
that your equipment is no longer usable
– A photograph of the damaged personal ski equipment
– The invoice for the rental of the equipment rented following the breakage or theft of the personal ski
Failure to submit these documents will result in forfeiture of your claim.
The sums insured cannot be considered as proof of the value of the goods for which you are claiming
compensation, nor as proof of the existence of these goods.
You are required to prove, by any means within your power and by any documents in your possession, the
existence and value of such property at the time of the loss, and the extent of the damage.
If you knowingly use inaccurate documents or fraudulent means or make inaccurate or misleading statements
as proof, you will forfeit all rights to compensation, without prejudice to any legal action we may take against
We cover, up to the amount indicated in the Table of Benefits, the reimbursement of your lift pass as shown on
your trip registration invoice, in case of loss or theft.
In addition to the exclusions common to all forms of cover, we cannot intervene in the following
♦ Lift pass not shown on your trip registration invoice.
The amount indicated in the Table of Benefits is the maximum reimbursement for all claims occurring during the
period of coverage.
The claim declaration must reach PRESENCE ASSISTANCE TOURISME within 5 working days, except in the case of
fortuitous event or force majeure. If this deadline is not respected and we suffer a loss as a result, you will lose
all rights to compensation.
The claim must be accompanied by the following elements:
– The invoice issued by the travel agency for the purchase of the pass stipulating the amount paid, the
date of the purchase and the type of ski pass.
– The receipt of a complaint filed with a competent local authority (police, gendarmerie …), in case of
Following medical repatriation organised by MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE or by any other assistance company, we
shall reimburse to you, and the members of your family insured by the present contract, or a person without any
family connection accompanying you, insured by the present contract, accommodation expenses for which
payment has already been made and which are unused (not including return transport ticket).
Our reimbursement shall be calculated in proportion to time, from the night after the event leading to medical
repatriation or hospitalisation in the location.
Similarly, if a member of your family not participating in the journey suffers a serious illness, a serious bodily
accident, or a death, and as a consequence you must discontinue your trip, and we proceed to repatriate you,
we shall reimburse to you, and to the members of your family insured by the present contract, or a person
without any family connection accompanying you and insured by the present contract, accommodation expenses
for which payment has already been made and which are unused (not including return transport ticket)
Our reimbursement shall be calculated in proportion to time, from the night after the early return date
We also make a payment in the event of a theft, serious fire damage, explosion, water damage, or damage caused
by the forces of nature to your professional or private premises, necessarily implying that you must be present
to take the necessary protective measures; we also reimburse to you and the members of your family insured by
the present contract, or a person without any family connection accompanying you and insured by the present
contract, accommodation expenses for which payment has already been made and which are unused (not
including return transport ticket)
Our reimbursement shall be calculated in proportion to time, from the night after the early return date
In addition to the exclusions common to all the guarantees, we cannot make payments under the following
♦ request for reimbursement of the return transport ticket
♦ Repatriation or early return which has not been organised by an assistance company
♦ Request for reimbursement of services not included in the journey registration form and therefore
not covered (even if these services are purchased from the local representative of the organiser in
the place of destination)
You must send PRESENCE ASSISTANCE TOURISME all documents required to open the file and prove by this
means the justification and value of the claim.
You must in all cases send:
– The name of the assistance company which carried out the repatriations or the early return, together
with the file number which was sent to you.
– The journey registration invoice or the agency’s registration form
– The detailed invoice of the tour operator showing land-based services and transport services
1- Ski lift closure
ski rental equipment: ski, surf, mono-ski, snowshoes, ski poles and boots, helmet rented for the period of the
cover and shown on your trip registration invoice.
We refund you, up to the amount indicated in the Table of Benefits, if you are not able to use your ski lift pass
and/or your ski rental equipment, as a result of the following events:
– Partial or total closure of the ski domain concerned by your ski lift pass due to lack or excess of snow
This guarantee can only be taken into consideration on the basis of a snow report published by an approved
It will be established that there is a lack of excess of snow if, during the dates of validity of the pass, more than
2/3 of the slopes in the area of validity of the pass are closed, according to the snow report mentioned above.
In the event of partial or total closure of more than 48 hours due to bad weather, and if you wish to return home,
we will reimburse you for unused accommodation costs up to the limit indicated in the Table of Benefits.
– Closure of connections
If at least 2/3 of the connections between the resorts are closed for more than 5 consecutive hours per day
during the period of validity of the lift pass, whatever the cause of the closure, we will compensate you for your
lift pass up to the amount indicated in the Table of Benefits.
In both cases, the indemnities provided for above are calculated on a pro-rata basis of the non-use of the lift pass
and the rental of the ski equipment.
2- Ski accident
Ski accident : an accident while skiing on open and marked trails.
If, because of an illness that does not require your repatriation or hospitalization, you are not able to take
advantage of some activities purchased and insured by this contract, we cover, up to the amount indicated in
the Table of Benefits,
In addition to the exclusions common to all forms of cover, we cannot intervene in the following
• Illness not certified by a medical authority
• No medical documentation confirming the incapacity to take advantage of the activity
• Any activities purchased on site or not mentioned on your invoice and by the way not insured by this
The claim declaration must reach PRESENCE ASSISTANCE TOURISME within 5 working days, except in the case of
fortuitous event or force majeure. If this deadline is not respected and we suffer a loss as a result, you will lose
Version 06/2021 16
all rights to compensation. You must send PRESENCE ASSISTANCE TOURISME all necessary documents to build
up the file and thus prove the validity and the amount of the claim.
The claim must be accompanied by the following elements:
– The trip registration invoice describing the different services insured and in particular the type of lift
pass and its price, as well as the type of ski equipment rented and their price.
– The snow report published by an approved organization and stipulating the level of closure of the slopes
in the area corresponding to your package.
– Any proof of the date and duration of the closure of the connexion between the resorts.
In addition to the exclusions common to all forms of cover, we cannot intervene in the following
• All events between May 1st and November 30th of each year
• The non-use of your lift pass or ski rental equipment for any other reason than a ski accident, the
closure of the ski area for lack or excess of snow, or for closure of the connexion between ski resorts.
ski rental equipment: ski, surf, mono-ski, snowshoes, ski poles and boots, helmet rented for the period of the
cover and shown on your trip registration invoice.
We refund you, up to the amount indicated in the Table of Benefits, if you are not able to use your ski lift pass
and/or your ski rental equipment, as a result of the following events:
– Partial or total closure of the ski domain concerned by your ski lift pass due to lack or excess of snow
This guarantee can only be taken into consideration on the basis of a snow report published by an approved
It will be established that there is a lack of excess of snow if, during the dates of validity of the pass, more than
2/3 of the slopes in the area of validity of the pass are closed, according to the snow report mentioned above.
In the event of partial or total closure of more than 48 hours due to bad weather, and if you wish to return home,
we will reimburse you for unused accommodation costs up to the limit indicated in the Table of Benefits.
– Closure of connections
If at least 2/3 of the connections between the resorts are closed for more than 5 consecutive hours per day
during the period of validity of the lift pass, whatever the cause of the closure, we will compensate you for your
lift pass up to the amount indicated in the Table of Benefits.
In both cases, the indemnities provided for above are calculated on a pro-rata basis of the non-use of the lift pass
and the rental of the ski equipment.
CAUTION: the cover is only available from December 1st to April 30th next year.
The claim declaration must reach PRESENCE ASSISTANCE TOURISME within 5 working days, except in the case of
fortuitous event or force majeure. If this deadline is not respected and we suffer a loss as a result, you will lose
all rights to compensation. You must send PRESENCE ASSISTANCE TOURISME all necessary documents to build
up the file and thus prove the validity and the amount of the claim.
The claim must be accompanied by the following elements:
– The trip registration invoice describing the different services insured and in particular the type of lift
pass and its price, as well as the type of ski equipment rented and their price.
– The snow report published by an approved organization and stipulating the level of closure of the slopes
in the area corresponding to your package.
– Any proof of the date and duration of the closure of the connexion between the resorts.
In addition to the exclusions common to all forms of cover, we cannot intervene in the following
• All events between May 1st and November 30th of each year
• The non-use of your lift pass or ski rental equipment for any other reason than a ski accident, the
closure of the ski area for lack or excess of snow, or for closure of the connexion between ski resorts.
You fall sick or are injured, or you die during a covered journey. We intervene on the following terms:
To get any information useful to a successful trip you can reach our helpdesk 24/7.
You can get information about:
Sanitary information: Health, Hygiene, Vaccination, Precautions to be taken, Regional medical Center, Women
advices, Time zone differences, Pet travel.
Our doctors are also available for any information you would like about traveling during epidemic or pandemic
Information is given by phone and we do not send written confirmation or documentation.
We provide information from 8am to 7pm an process in due time.
However, at any time, we take you call and collect your question and your phone number to call you back and
answer in the regular time.
You are injured or fall sick (including in an epidemic or pandemic context) during a covered journey. We organise
and pay for your repatriation to your home or to a hospital establishment close to your home.
Only requirements of a medical nature are taken into consideration in determining the repatriation date, the
choice of means of transport or the hospitalisation location.
The repatriation decision is taken by our medical adviser, after the opinion of the occasional attending doctor
and, if applicable, of the family doctor.
At your repatriation, and on the orders of our consulting doctor, we organise and pay for transport of a person
to accompany you.
If you refuse the solution proposed by our medical team this leads to cancellation of personal care guarantee.
You are medically repatriated, or you die during a covered journey.
If they cannot be returned by the initially scheduled means, we organise and pay for transport home of the
members of your family who are beneficiaries, or of an insured person who is accompanying you when the event
occurs, by 1st class train or by air in economy class.
If you fall sick or are injured, and no-one is able to take care of your children under 18, we organise and pay for
the return journey, by 1st class train or by air in economy class, of a person of your choice or of one of our
hostesses, to return them to your domicile or to that of a member of your family.
You are hospitalised in the destination location on the decision of our medical team, before your medical
repatriation, for a period of more than 7 days. We organise and pay for the return transport, by 1st class train or
by air in economy class, of a member of your family residing in the same country as you, and their
accommodation costs (room and breakfast) so that they can be at your bedside.
We cover their accommodation up to the value of the amount stated in the Table of Cover.
The costs of catering or other expenditure are in all cases payable by this person.
This cover cannot be combined with the “Repatriation of accompanying persons” cover.
You are hospitalised during a covered journey and our doctors consider that this hospitalisation is necessary after
your initial return date.
We pay for the accommodation costs (room and breakfast) of the members of your family who are beneficiaries
or of an insured companion to remain at your bedside, up to the value stated in the Table of Cover.
Only requirements of a medical nature are taken into consideration when granting this cover.
The costs of catering or other expenditure are in all cases payable by this person.
This cover cannot be combined with the “Visit of a close friend or family member” cover.
If you have to extend your stay for established medical reasons, without hospitalisation and after the medical
adviser’s agreement, we organise and pay for the hotel costs (bedroom and breakfast) and those of your family
members who are beneficiaries, or of an insured companion, up to the value stated in the Table of Cover.
You are no longer hospitalised and the local doctors recommend you to continue your journey, we organise and
pay, after confirmation by our medical adviser, the additional transport costs by air in economy class or by 1st
class train in order to continue the trip.
The cost of continuing the trip may under no circumstances exceed the cost of a repatriation to your home.
In an epidemic or pandemic context, your flight has been cancelled due to travelling restrictive measures taken
by local government or airlines.
If you have to extend your stay, we organise and pay for the added hotel costs (bedroom and breakfast) and
those of your family members who are beneficiaries, or of an insured companion, up to the value stated in the
Table of Cover.
We organise and pay for your return ticket up to the value stated in the Table of Cover.
If you have to extend your stay because of your quarantine, we organise and pay for the hotel costs (bedroom
and breakfast) and those of your family members who are beneficiaries, or of an insured companion, up to the
value stated in the Table of Cover.
When medical costs (including due to epidemic or pandemic illness) have been incurred with our prior
agreement, we repay to you proportion of these costs which has not been paid for by any insurance organisations
to which you are affiliated.
We intervene only when the reimbursements made by the above-mentioned insurance organisations have been
made, minus an deductible, the value of which is stated in the table of cover, and provided the original
reimbursement documentation, issued by your insurance organisation, is sent to us.
This reimbursement covers the costs defined below, provided they relate to care received by you outside your
country of residence following an illness or accident which has occurred outside your country of residence.
In this case we reimburse the value of the costs incurred up to the maximum value stated in the Table of Cover.
If the insurance organisation with which you are affiliated refuses to pay for the medical costs incurred, we shall
reimburse the costs incurred up to the limit of the value stated in the Table of Cover, provided you send us the
original medical costs invoices, and the declaration of refusal of cover issued by the insurance organisation.
This service ceases on the date on which we are able to repatriate you.
Nature of costs entitling you to reimbursement (subject to prior agreement):
– medical fees,
– costs of medicines prescribed by a doctor or surgeon,
– costs of an ambulance prescribed by a doctor for transport to the closest hospital, and only then if the
insurance organisations refuse cover,
– hospitalisation costs, provided the Beneficiary/Insured is judged not able to be transported by a
decision of Assistance’s doctors, taken after obtaining information from the local doctor
(hospitalisation costs incurred from the date on which we are able to repatriate you are not covered),
– emergency dental costs (capped at the value stated in the Table of Cover, without application of any
– Test PCR expenses, in transit, if the result is positive.
Up to the payment values stipulated above, we can pay in advance hospitalisation costs which you must incur
outside your country of residence, on the following combined conditions:
• after obtaining information from the local doctor, MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE’s doctors must judge that it
is impossible to repatriate you immediately to your country of residence.
• the care to which the advance applies must be prescribed in agreement with MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE’s
• you or any person authorised by you must undertake formally, by signing a specific document, provided
by MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE when the present service is offered:
– to take the steps to pay the costs with the insurance organisations within a period of
15 days from the date of despatch of the items required for these steps by MUTUAIDE
– to reimburse to MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE the sums received on this basis from the
insurance organisations within a week after receiving these sums.
Only costs not covered by the insurance organisations shall remain payable by ourselves, up to the limit of the
payment sum stipulated for the “medical costs” service, you must send us the declaration of refusal of cover
issued by these insurance organisations within a week of its receipt.
To protect our subsequent rights, we reserve the right to ask you or your beneficiaries for a letter of
undertaking, committing you to take the steps with the social organisations and to reimburse the sums
received to us.
If you have not taken the steps for payment with the insurance organisations within the deadline, or if you
have not sent MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE the declaration of refusal of cover issued by these insurance
organisations within the deadline, you will not be able to claim the benefit of the “medical costs” service and will have to repay all the hospitalisation costs advanced by MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE, which will, if applicable,
use all relevant recovery procedures, the costs of which shall be borne by you.
During a journey outside your country of residence you are deprived of medicines which are essential for your
health, following a loss or a theft. We organise the search for and despatch of these medicines, if these medicines
or their equivalents recommended by MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE’s doctors cannot be found locally (and provided
we obtain from you the contact details of your attending doctor).
We pay for shipment of the medicines by the fastest means, subject to the local and French legal constraints.
Customs costs and the cost of purchase of the medicines remain payable by you.
During a journey outside your country of residence you are unable to procure the spectacles, contact lenses or
hearing aids which you habitually wear, following breakage or loss of them. We organise the despatch of these
prostheses (provided you give us the complete characteristics of the prostheses and the contact details of your
ophthalmologist or habitual prosthetist)
We pay for shipment of the prostheses by the fastest means, subject to the local and French legal constraints.
Customs costs and design costs of the spectacles, lenses or hearing aids remain payable by you.
You die during a covered journey. We organise the repatriation of your body as far as the funeral location in your
country of residence.
In these circumstances we pay:
– The costs of transporting the body,
– The costs relating to the conservation care imposed by the applicable legislation,
– The costs directly required by the transport of the body (handling, arrangements specific to shipment,
preparation), up to the value stated in the Table of Cover.
If the local presence of a member of the family or of a close friend of the deceased is essential to undertake for
the identification of the body and the repatriation or incineration formalities, we organise and pay for a return
ticket, by 1st class train or by air in economy class, together with the accommodation costs (room and breakfast),
incurred on behalf of this person, up to the value stated in the Table of Cover.
All other costs remain payable by the family of the deceased.
If you have to interrupt your journey prematurely in the cases listed below, we pay your additional transport
costs and those of the members of your family you are beneficiaries, or of a person insured under the present
contract who is accompanying you, if the transport tickets provided for your return and theirs cannot be used as
a consequence of this event, on the basis of a 1st class train ticket or by ticket for travel by air in economy class.
We intervene in the event of:
• the death of a member of your family, of a person with responsibility for guarding your minor and/or
disabled child who has stayed at home, or of your professional replacement,
• a serious accident affecting your principal residence in your country of residence,
• hospitalisation of a member of your family, of a person with responsibility for guarding your minor
and/or disabled child who has stayed at home, or of your professional replacement,
You fall sick or are injured during a covered journey in one of the countries listed below, and you can no longer
drive your vehicle: if none of the passengers is able to replace you, we provide you with a driver to return the
vehicle to your place of residence by the most direct route.
We pay for the journey costs and the driver’s salary.
The driver must comply with employment legislation, and in particular must – as the current French regulations
stand – observe a 45 minutes’ stop after driving for 4 hours and 30 minutes, and their total daily driving time
must not exceed 9 hours.
If your vehicle is more than 8 years old and/or has driven more than 150,000 km, or if its condition and/or its
loading is not compliant with the standards defined by the French Highway Code, you must inform us of this. We
then reserve the right not to send a driver.
In this case, instead of providing a driver, we supply and pay for a 1st class train ticket or air ticket in economy
class for you to return to recover the vehicle.
This service applies only in the following countries:
France (including Monaco, Andorra, except for French Overseas Departments and Territories), Spain, Portugal,
Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, United Kingdom,
Ireland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland).
The costs of fuel, tolls, hotel and catering costs of any passengers remain payable by you.
During a covered journey you are subject to legal proceedings or incarceration for failure to comply with or
involuntary breach of the local laws and regulations.
We advance the bail required by the local authorities to allow you to be released temporarily, up to the value
stated in the Table of Cover.
This advance must be repaid within a period of one month of presentation of our repayment request. If the bail
is reimbursed to you before this time by the Authorities of the country it must be returned to us immediately.
We can reimburse you up to the value stated in the Table of Cover for fees of any legal representatives whose
services you may freely use if an action is brought against you, provided that the alleged facts are not subject to
a criminal sanction under the legislation of the country.
This cover is not operative in the case of facts relating to your professional activity or guard of a motorised
land vehicle.
We pay, up to the value stated in the Table of Cover, search and emergency costs at sea or in the mountains,
following an event putting in your life in peril. Only costs incurred by a company duly approved for these activities
can be reimbursed.
We can under no circumstances replace the local emergency services organisations.
You are the victim of a skiing accident on open, waymarked ski slopes. We pay the costs of descent in a sleigh
from the place of the accident to the bottom of the slopes, or to the emergency centre closest to the accident.
When the emergency services cannot reach the place of the accident helicopter costs or costs of all other means
of transport are also paid.
This payment is made up to the maximum values shown in the Table of Cover.
These costs are paid if MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE is informed before the end of your trip in the ski resort, and/or
within 48 hours of the intervention of the emergency services.
Ambulance costs
If you are transported by ambulance to a hospital complex, we undertake, if there is no medical transport, to pay
the costs of transport by ambulance directly to the carrier.
Costs of return to the resort
If you are transported to a hospital complex, and if it is not judged necessary to hospitalise you, we undertake, if
there is no medical transport, to pay the transport costs. We also organise the delivery of the medicines. Costs
of medicines remain payable by you. The cover is provided in France subject to local availabilities.
You are unable to contact a person in your country of residence. We send the message if you are unable to do
Messages sent cannot be of a serious or delicate nature. Messages are at all times the responsibility of their
authors, who must be able to be identified, and these messages are their sole liability. We play only the role of
an intermediary in sending them.
MONEY ADVANCE (only abroad)
During a covered journey your means of payment or your official documents (passports, national identity card,
etc.) have been lost or stolen.
If you call our service we inform you of the steps to be taken (filing of a complaint, renewal of documents, etc.)
The communicated information is indicative information, as referred to by article 66.1 of the amended law of 31
December 1971. It does not constitute a legal consultation.
Subject to a declaration of theft or loss issued by the local authorities, we can grant you an advance up to the
value stated in the Table of Cover, in consideration for an acknowledgement of debt given to MUTUAIDE
This advance must be repaid to MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE within 30 days of provision of the money.
If payment is not made, we reserve the right to bring all relevant legal recovery proceedings.
During a covered journey your official documents have been lost or stolen.
If doubles or duplicates of your official documents can be sent to you in the place where you are staying from
your country of residence, by a person chosen by you, we can reimburse the costs of despatch of these
documents, on presentation of original documentation covering the despatch costs, and proofs of theft or loss
of these documents.
In the event of a major trauma following a covered event, at your request we can organise a telephone contact
with a psychologist, up to the value stated in the Table of Cover. These conversations are conducted in complete
This listening work must not be confused with psychotherapeutic work undertaken by a liberal professional. Due
to the fact that the caller is physically absent this service cannot be a substitute for psychotherapy.
During a covered journey abroad, you are placed in quarantine. We pay for a local phone package, up to the
value stated in the Table of Cover.
In the event of a major trauma directly leaked to an epidemic or pandemic context, at your request we can
organise a telephone contact with a psychologist, up to the value stated in the Table of Cover. These
conversations are conducted in complete confidence.
This listening work must not be confused with psychotherapeutic work undertaken by a liberal professional. Due
to the fact that the caller is physically absent this service cannot be a substitute for psychotherapy.
In an epidemic or pandemic context, and because of your quarantine, you are short of usable personal
belongings. We reimburse essential items, on presentation of documentation, up to the value stated in the Table
of Cover.
After we organise your repatriation because of an epidemic or pandemic illness, you are not able to do usual
housework, we look for, and pay a domestic help up to the limit stated in the Table of Cover.
After we organise your repatriation because of an epidemic or pandemic illness, you are not able to leave your
home, we organise and pay, in the limit of local availabilities, the cost of shopping delivery up to the value stated
in the Table of Cover.
In the event of a major trauma directly leaked to an epidemic or pandemic context, at your request we can
organise a telephone contact with a psychologist, up to the value stated in the Table of Cover. These
conversations are conducted in complete confidence.
This listening work must not be confused with psychotherapeutic work undertaken by a liberal professional. Due
to the fact that the caller is physically absent this service cannot be a substitute for psychotherapy.
In addition to the exclusions set out under the heading “WHAT GENERAL EXCLUSIONS ARE APPLICABLE TO ALL
OUR GUARANTEES”, the following do not lead to intervention by us:
♦ Journeys made for the purpose of diagnosis and/or treatment,
♦ Medical and hospitalisation costs in the country of residence,
♦ Drunkenness, suicide or attempted suicide, and consequences of these,
♦ Any self-inflicted injury of the Insured,
♦ Minor ailments or lesions which can be treated locally and/or which do not prevent the Insured from
continuing their journey,
♦ States of pregnancy, unless there is an unforeseeable complication, and in all cases states of pregnancy
after the 36th week, abortion, consequences of delivery,
♦ Convalescences and ailments undergoing treatment, which have not yet cleared, and involving a risk of
sudden aggravation
♦ Previously contracted sicknesses involving hospitalisation during the 6-month period preceding the
departure date
♦ Events relating to a medical treatment or surgical operation which are not unexpected, unforeseen or
♦ Prosthesis costs: optical, dental, acoustic, functional, etc.
♦ The consequences of situations where there is a high risk of infection in the context of an epidemic
where quarantine or specific preventive or surveillance measures are applied by the international
health authorities and/or local health authorities of the country where you are staying and/or
national health authorities of your country of origin, unless otherwise specified in the guarantee.
♦ Costs of spa therapy, beauty treatment, vaccination and costs arising therefrom,
♦ Trips involving a stay in a rest home and costs arising therefrom,
♦ Rehabilitation, physiotherapy, chiropractics and costs relating thereto,
♦ Scheduled hospitalisation.
The assistance services can be delivered only if the Insured makes a telephone call at the time of the event.
On reception of the call MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE, after having checked the caller’s rights, organises and pays the
costs stipulated in the present agreement.
Before they can receive the benefit of a service MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE can ask the Insured to prove the capacity
they are claiming, and to produce at their expense the items and documents proving this entitlement.
The Insured must allow our doctors access to all medical information concerning the person for whom we are
acting. This information will be processed in compliance with medical secrecy.
MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE cannot under any circumstances replace the local emergency services organisations,
and intervenes within the limits of the agreements given by the local authorities; nor can it pay costs incurred
in this manner, except for costs of transport by ambulance or by taxi to the closest location where the
appropriate care can be supplied, in the case of minor ailments or minor injuries which do not require either
repatriation or medical transport.
The actions which MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE undertakes are performed in complete compliance with national and
international laws and regulations. They are therefore dependent on the necessary authorisations being
obtained from the competent authorities.
When MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE has paid for the transport of an Insured the latter must return their initially
scheduled, unused return ticket to it.
MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE decides on the nature of the air travel tickets given to the Insured according to the
possibilities provided by the air carriers and the duration of the journey.
Repayments to the Insured can be made by ourselves only on presentation of the original paid invoices
corresponding to costs incurred with our agreement.
Repayment requests must be sent to:
Claims Management Service
126 rue de la Piazza – CS 20100 – 93196 Noisy le Grand Cédex – France
The following do not give rise to any action on our part:
• Services which have not been requested during the trip or which have not been arranged by us, or in
agreement with us, do not give right, afterwards, to a refund or compensation,
• Meal and hotel costs, except those specified in the text of the guarantees,
• Damage caused intentionally by the Beneficiary/Insured and those resulting from his or her participation
in a crime, an offence or a fight, except in self-defence,
• The amount of the damages and their consequences,
• The use of narcotics or drugs not prescribed medically,
• Being under the influence of alcohol,
• Customs duties,
• Participation as a competitor in a competitive sport or in a rally giving the right to a national or
international classification which is organised by a sports federation for which a license is issued, and
training for these competitions,
• The practice, professionally, of any sport,
• Participation in competitions or in endurance or speeding events and their preparatory tests, on board
any land, water or air locomotive,
• The consequences of non-compliance with recognised safety rules related to the practice of any
recreational sports activity,
• Expenses incurred after the return from the trip or the expiry of the guarantee,
• Accidents resulting from your participation, even as an amateur in the following sports: motor sports
(regardless of the motor vehicle used), air sports, mountaineering, bob-sleigh, dangerous animal
hunting, ice hockey, tobogganing, combat sports, caving, snow sports with an international, national or
regional ranking,
• The voluntary non-observance of the regulations of the country visited or the practice of activities not
authorised by the local authorities,
• Official prohibitions, asset seizures or constraints by law enforcement officers,
• The use by the Beneficiary/ Insured of air navigation equipment,
• The use of the tools of war, explosives or firearms,
• Damage resulting from intentional or fraudulent misconduct of the Insured in accordance with Article
l.113-1 of the French Insurance Code,
• Suicide and attempted suicide,
• Epidemics unless otherwise stipulated in the guarantee, pollution, natural disasters,
• Civil or foreign war, riots, strikes, popular movements, acts of terrorism, hostage-taking,
• The decay of an atomic nucleus or any radiation from an energy source having a radioactive character.
MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE cannot under any circumstances be held liable for breaches or setbacks in the
performance of its obligations that may result from force majeure, or events such as civil or foreign war, riots
or popular movements, lockouts, strikes, attacks, acts of terrorism, piracy, storms and hurricanes,
earthquakes, cyclones, volcanic eruptions or other cataclysms, the decay of an atomic nucleus, the explosion
of devices and radioactive nuclear effects, epidemics, the effects of pollution and natural disasters, the effects
of radiation or any other fortuitous event or force majeure, or their consequences.
The Insured acknowledges that the Insurer processes his personal data in accordance with the regulations in
effect relative to the processing of such data and the protection of privacy, notably the provisions of the
French Data Protection Act No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended and the General Data Protection
Regulation (Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016) and that, furthermore:
MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE is subrogated, up to the value of the compensation paid and the services supplied by it,
to the Beneficiary’s rights and actions, against all persons liable for the actions which led to its intervention.
When the services provided in performance of the agreement are wholly or partly covered by another company
or institution, MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE is subrogated to the beneficiary’s rights and actions against this company
or institution.
In application of article L 114-1 of the Insurance Code, all actions stemming from the present contract are subject
to statutory limitation two years after the event having given rise to them. This period is increased to ten years
in the case of death cover, and the beneficiaries’ actions are subject to statutory limitation at the latest thirty
years after this event.
However, this period commences only:
• in the event of non-disclosure, omission, or false or inaccurate declaration concerning the risk incurred, on
the date when it came to the Insurer’s attention;
• in the case of an incident, on the date on which it came to the attention of the interested parties if they
prove that they were unaware of it previously.
When the cause of the Insured’s action against the Insurer is a third-party action, this period of limitation
commences only on the date on which this third party has brought a legal action against the Insured or has been
compensated by the latter.
This period of limitation can be suspended, pursuant to article L 114-2 of the Insurance Code, by one of the
following ordinary causes of suspension:
• acknowledgement by the debtor of the right of the party against which it was making a claim (article 2240
of the Civil Code);
• an action in law, even on an urgent basis, until extinction of the case. The same applies even when it is
brought before a court without jurisdiction, or when the act of referral to the court is cancelled due to a
procedural irregularity (articles 2241 and 2242 of the Civil Code). The suspension is void if the applicant
abandons its application, or allows the case to lapse, or if its application is definitively dismissed (article 2243
of the Civil Code);
• a protective measure taken in application of the Civil Enforcement Procedures Code or a specific
performance measure (article 2244 of the Civil Code).
It should be noted that:
The notice given to one of the joint and several debtors by an action in law or by a specific performance measure,
or recognition by the debtor of the right of the party against whom it was making a claim suspends the period of
statutory limitation against all others, even against their heirs.
Conversely, the notice given to one of the heirs of a joint and several debtors or the acknowledgement of this
heir does not suspend the period of statutory limitation with regard to the other joint heirs, even in the case of
a mortgage debt, if the obligation is divisible. Such notice or recognition suspends the period of statutory
limitation, with regard to the other joint heirs, only in respect of the share for which this heir is liable.
To suspend the period of statutory limitation completely, with regard to the other joint debtors, notice must be
given to all the heirs of the deceased debtor, or all these heirs must be recognised (article 2245 of the Civil Code).
Notice given to the principal debtor or recognition of it suspends the period of statutory limitation against the
surety (article 2246 of the Civil Code).
The period of statutory limitation can also be suspended by:
• the appointment of an expert following a claim;
• Despatch of a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt (sent by the Insurer to the Insured on the
subject of the action for payment of the contribution, and sent by the Insured to the Insurer on the subject
of payment of the claim).
All disputes arising between the Insurer and the Insured relating to the determination and payment of claims
shall be referred, by the first party to take such a measure, if an amicable resolution cannot be reached, to the
court with jurisdiction of the beneficiary’s domicile, pursuant to the provisions stipulated in article R 114-1 of the
Insurance Code.
When they change the subject of the risk or reduce our opinion of it:
• Any non-disclosure or intentionally false declarations by you invalidates the contract. Premiums paid
remain vested with us, and we shall be entitled to require payment of the premiums due, as stipulated
in article L 113.8 of the Insurance Code.
• Any omissions or inaccurate declarations by yourself where no dishonesty is established lead to
termination of the contract 10 days after the notification which will be sent to you by registered letter
and/or application of reduced compensation under the Insurance Code, as stipulated in article L
The authority responsible for regulating MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE is the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de
Résolution (ACPR) – 4, place de Budapest – CS 92 459 – 75 436 Paris Cedex 9.